Having eczema means I am always on the hunt to try out the best “superfoods”; all the miracle powders, seeds, supplements and foods that promise to heal your gut and make you glow from the inside out. I’ll admit that “superfood” is a bit of a buzz word and really, what does it mean? Can any of them actually make you healthier and how? Of course, it’s not only about the magical powders you add to your morning smoothie; you need to actually do the rest of the healthy stuff too *snooore*. The latest superfood to hit the health food scene is the bright and beautiful pink pitaya powder. Derived from the pitaya, or the dragon fruit as it is otherwise known, pink pitaya powder is bright and nutrient-rich and is easily incorporated into your daily diet. BUT, before you hot-foot it down to your nearest health food store, let’s find out a bit more about this pretty powder and all the wonderful things it can do for you.

- Help keep you fuller for longer
Pink pitaya powder is an amazing (and pretty) way to up your fibre intake. Fibre is key to keeping you feeling fuller for longer and having plenty of fibre in your diet means that you will maintain regular bowel functions which are important to a healthy system and body. Incorporating pink pitaya powder into your morning smoothies is an easy way to ensure you are hitting your recommended intake of fibre in your diet.
- Maintain healthy vision
The powder is rich in Vitamin A, also known as Retinol and this is one of the best vitamins that contribute to healthy vision and it is key for helping keep your immune system strong and helping you fight illness and infections. Pink pitaya powder is high in Vitamin A and means that it will help you to ensure good vision. As well as this, Vitamin A is important for the maintenance of healthy skin and aids the functions of digestive enzymes which help keep you regular and healthy! For sure, this is an important vitamin to increase in your diet and pink pitaya powder is a fantastic way to ensure you are getting enough.
- Reduce your risk of long-term diseases
Pink pitaya powder is high in wonderful antioxidants helping to support your body’s natural detoxification process. A diet that is rich in antioxidants means that you can reduce your long-term risks of many diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals from the cells in your body and help to prevent the damage caused by oxidation.
- Help your body repair itself
Pink pitaya powder can provide you with the necessary amount of vitamin C to keep your body repairing itself as it should. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid is key for the growth and development of all tissues in our bodies. If we have a diet high in vitamin C it means that our bodies can repair themselves quickly.
- Reduce inflammation
Full of essential fatty acids like Omega 3 & 6, pink pitaya powder will be a hit for vegans and those who don’t eat much fish. This powder is rich in all of these fabulous fatty acids that together can help reduce inflammation. Inflammation in the body can result in aches, pains and low energy. There are so many benefits from just one scoop of this vibrant powder and you can trust you are looking after your body from the inside out.
- Improve your mental health
As well as reducing inflammation, Omegas 3 & 6 can help to support your mental health and even improve it. These fatty acids are great for your brain and because of this can help to lift any low moods. Of course, the beautiful colour helps too and I’m sure when you have a bright pink breakfast to wake up to, it will help to make those Monday morning blues a thing of the past.
- Improve the balance of good bacteria in your gut
The good bacteria in your gut is responsible for keeping you healthy. Making sure you give your good bacteria the food it needs to repopulate and grow means that you can improve your gut health and improve your overall health as a result. Your good bacteria will love pink pitaya powder and studies show that you can change your gut microbiome in only a couple of days, so now is the perfect time to introduce it into your diet!
- Speed up your metabolism
With increased good bacteria you can notice changes in your metabolism. As good bacteria can help aid digestion and keep things moving along more healthily this can result in faster metabolism and therefore, you will be able to burn more calories.
- Maintain healthy skin
As a result of a healthier gut, you can even see some improvements in your skin health too. Having a healthy gut can help to prevent some skin rashes and even help eczema in some cases. There have been studies to show that eczema can be caused (in some cases) by a leaky gut, therefore increasing your good bacteria makes your gut healthier and can improve your skin barrier.
- Boost iron levels
Pitaya or dragon fruit contains iron, and is one of the only fruits that actually has a high iron content. It is increasingly common nowadays for people to have low iron levels, in fact around 30% of the world’s population have an iron deficiency. If you’re one of them, pitaya powder is a great source to help you increase your iron, and because of the high vitamin C content you are guaranteed that it will be absorbed!

What can’t this vibrant little powder do? Honestly, I’m amazed by the benefits of this and it couldn’t be easier to add a serving into your diet on the daily. Below, you can find some online stockists for Pink Pitaya powder.
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The Twinsight | Lifestyle Blog
I had never heard about this before but I really want to try it after you listed all the benefits. This was so thorough and informative. Thanks for sharing!
Lucy Jacovelli
Thank you for your comment 🙂 let me know if you try it!
This sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing!